This test is not entirely for entertainment purposes only. With numerous data analysis and calculation we have developed this system to test the perfect match of heights between male and female. For the accuracy of the test, please answer all the questions according to your real feeling.
Come along and take this quiz to find the ideal height of your love. The result might be surprising!
How tall do you think the building is? (Give your answer based on your own immediate response to looking at the photo. For now, don't try to actually calculate the building's true height itself.)
It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Thanks for your patience :p
How high do you think the camera was at the time of taking this photo?
Please be patient while the photo loads. Unfortunately due to factors outside our control, images can sometimes be slow to appear.
How tall do you think the person in this photo is?
It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Thanks for your patience :p
How tall do you think the person in this photo is?
Please be patient while the photo loads. Unfortunately due to factors outside our control, images can sometimes be slow to appear.
How tall do you think the person in this photo is?
It might take longer time to load all the pictures for the quiz than you expected. Thanks for your patience :p